可莹没文化可以学,长得丑可以整,你心眼坏真的没法治。 No culture to learn, ugly can be whole, you have a bad heart, really no rule of law.
可莹人和猪的区别就是:猪一直是猪,而人有时却不是人! The difference between man and pig is: pig is always a pig, but man is not human sometimes!
可莹个头大就一定厉害吗?恐龙不是照样灭绝了! Is a big man necessarily good? Dinaurs are not extinct!
可莹你活着浪费空气,死了浪费土地,半死不活浪费人民币。 You waste air alive, land waste dead, and RMB half dead.
可莹很多人不是心理疾病,而是心理残疾,治不好的那一种。 Many people are not mental illness, but mental disability, which can not be cured.
可莹老师让我们不要乱扔垃圾,不然我早把你丢了。 The teacher told us not to litter, or I would have lt you.
可莹有病你治病,你别找我啊,我又不是兽医。 If you have a disease, you can treat it. Don't call me. I'm not a veterinarian.
巧慧:如果多吃鱼可以补脑让人变聪明的话,那么你至少得吃一对儿鲸鱼。 If eating more fish can make people smarter, you have to eat at least a couple of whales.
巧慧:思想有多远,你就滚多远;光速有多快,你就滚多快。 You can roll as far as your thoughts go; you can roll as fast as the speed of light.
巧慧:虽然你身上喷了古龙水,但我还是能隐约闻到一股人渣味儿。 Although you are sprayed with cologne, I can still vaguely smell scum
巧慧:别张口闭口的就带着你爹你妈,你那么孝顺出来得瑟什么。 Don't open your mouth and take your father and mother with you. You are so filial to get what you need.
巧慧:你的小脑真发达,把大脑的地儿都占了。 Your cerebellum is so developed that it takes up all the space of your brain.
巧慧:请问你长成这样,是对这个世界有什么不满的情绪吗? May I ask if you have any displeasure with the world as you look like this?
巧慧:你看不惯那就不要和我说话了,因为我真的不懂你们的语言,万一要是让别人看到了,我和一个奇葩在吵架,那还真的是一个让人耻笑的事情呢! If you don't like it, don't talk to me, because I really don't understand your language, in if others see me and a strange flower