可莹我劝你没事的时候多拿镜子照照你的脸吧,看看你自己的脸皮到底有多厚! I advise you to take a mirror to look at your face you are free, and see how thick your own skin is!
可莹我不想跟你吵架,主要是我不想因为你,脏了我的眼睛,浪费了我的口水! I don't want to quarrel with you, mainly because I don't want you, dirty my eyes, waste my saliva!
可莹没事的,我也没有那么讨厌你,反正你活着也就让人讨厌那么点用处了。 It's all right. I don't hate you that much. Anyway, there's something annoying about being alive.
可莹我劝你一年四季都要出去多晒晒太阳,因为只要你晒得足够的黑,我想就没有人再认为你是白痴了! I advise you to get out in the sun all the year round, because as long as you get a good tan, I don't think anyone will think you're an idiot any more!
可莹你说话这么不用脑子,是不是这几天东西吃多了,把它吐出去了呢! You don't need to think so much you talk. Is it because you ate too much these days and spit it out?
可莹不要什么事情都觉得自己委屈吃亏,遇到事情你首先要想想自己到底配不配,然后再去想自己对不对! Don't what thing all feel oneself aggrieved suffer a ls, encounter a thing you want to think oneself after all deserve not to deserve above all, think!
可莹请问你是收集古董的老板吗?见到谁都叫宝贝!你这么能装,我想上辈子你可能就是个垃圾袋吧! Are you the owner of antique collection? See everyone is called baby! You so can pack, I think last life you may be a garbage bag!
巧慧:不要总觉得自己是个金子到哪里都会发光,其实你有没有想过,你可能就是以后玻璃渣子,不管放到哪里都会反光的那种! Don't always feel that he is a gold to will shine, in fact, you have not thought, you may be the future of glass muck, no matter to
巧慧:你说话这么难听,怕是你上完厕所忘记把嘴擦干净了吧! I'm afraid you forgot to wipe your mouth after you went to the bathroom.
巧慧:你上辈子应该是个厨师吧,我觉得你这个人很会添油加醋,很会火上浇油嘛! You should have been a cook in your previous life, I think you are very good at adding fuel to the fire!
巧慧:假如你的绿茶气质可以用来发电的话,那么我想全世界的发电厂都可以停工了,因为只要有你一个就可以了! If your green tea temperament could be used to generate electricity, Then I think power plants all over the world could be shut down, because just one
巧慧:天下如此之大,可是终究也大不过你缺的那点脑子!自从见到你以后,我才真正地知道了什么叫奇葩! The world is so big, but ultimately also big but you lack that bit of brain! Since I saw you, I really know what is weird!
巧慧:对于你,我真的实在想不出来,可以用什么样人类的语言跟你沟通了! For you, I really can't think of what kind of human language can be used to communicate with you!