"You should see my arm when I pick up a knife again."
"You never know how hard it is for me to stop talking."
"It's raining heavily. It's no use holding an umbrella. I mean it doesn't matter."
“ 时间久了我也不知道我是真的快乐还是装的快乐.”
"After a long time, I don't know whether I am really happy or pretend to be happy."
"Don't say sorry to me. It's my fault not to forgive."
"I try to take care of everyone's feelings and don't want people around me to be unhappy. I always find your mood changes, but I'm always the last one left behind."
"Of all the people I've lost, I miss myself the most."
"People who take the initiative are always available, and people who are loved are always busy."
“我差一点就要碰到星星了 只是后来天亮了.”
"I almost touched the stars, but then it was light."
“喜欢你朝我走来时的样子 即使是路过.”
"I like the way you walk towards me, even when you're passing by."
“可以再见你一面吗 这次我站远一点.”
"Can I see you again? I'll stand back this time."
“在这个路遥马急的人间 真的有人把爱意藏了好多年.”
"There are people who have hidden their love for many years in this hasty world."