唐奕萱:娜娜,我来了,我来拿我的报告(Nana, I'm here. I'm here to pick up my report)。
这时艾娜说:宝贝儿,你来了,你先坐啊,我洗个手就来(Honey, you're here. Why don't you sit down? I'll wash my hands)。
唐奕萱:好,不着急娜娜(Okay, take your time, Nana)。
艾娜不一会儿洗完手拿着报告来了,这时艾娜看过后说:宝贝儿,你这报告(Honey, this report of yours)。
唐奕萱:我报告怎么了,是有什么问题吗(What's wrong with my report? Is there a problem)。
艾娜说:宝贝儿,你身为医生,你真的没有察觉吗(Honey, you're a doctor. You really don't see it)。
唐奕萱:怎么了,是孩子有什么问题吗(Why, is there something wrong with the baby)。
艾娜说:不是孩子的的问题,是你自己的问题(It's not the baby. It's you)。
唐奕萱:我自己的问题,我没感觉自己有什么问题啊(My own problems. I don't feel like there's anything wrong with me)。
艾娜说:奕萱,你听我说,根据我看你这个心里报告,你是不是最近有些焦虑啊(Yih Hsuan, listen to me. According to your psychological report, have you been feeling anxious lately)。
唐奕萱:我没有焦虑啊,我这每天还跟怀孕前一样啊(I'm not anxious. I'm still pregnant every day)。
艾娜说:奕萱,你听我说,我现在呢怀疑你可能有点产前抑郁,接下来我问你的话,你一定要好好回答,看看你有没有出现过类似情况(Yih Hsuan, listen to me. I suspect that you may be a little depressed before giving birth. When I ask you next, you must give a good answer to see if you have experienced similar situation)。
唐奕萱:好,我知道了(Yeah, I got it)。
艾娜说:那我现在开始问你了啊,你就回答是或不是(So I'm GonNa ask you now, and you're GonNa Answer yes or no)。
艾娜说:那好,我开始问你了啊,你睡觉的时候有没有经常噩梦缠身(Okay, I'm GonNa Start by asking you, do you have a lot of nightmares when you sleep)。
唐奕萱:有时候会有,但是不会经常有(Sometimes, but not always)。
艾娜说:好,接着下个问题,你有没有时长睡不着觉(Okay, next question. Have you been having trouble sleeping)。
唐奕萱:这个经常有啊,因为我有时候会加班吗,所以睡不着觉是经常的啊(This often ah, because I sometimes work overtime, so can not sleep is often ah)。
艾娜说:好,我的问题问完了(All right, that's all my questions)。
唐奕萱:不是娜娜,我到底是什么问题啊(It's not Nana. What's wrong with me)。
艾娜说:我没说错,你有轻微的产前抑郁症,不过你这段时间保证心情舒畅就可以治愈好的,而且产前抑郁是孕妇的通病,很多孕妇都会得的,大部分得的孕妇都是精神压力比较大的,你就保持心情舒畅就行,过个2个礼拜,你再来我这复查,再看看你产前抑郁症有没有好一些吧(I was right. You have mild prenatal depression, but it can be cured if you stay in a good mood for a while, and prenatal depression is a common problem for pregnant women, and many pregnant women get it, most of the pregnant women are more mental stress, you just keep in a good mood, after two weeks, you come back to me to check, and see if your prenatal depression is better)。
唐奕萱:好吧,娜娜,我知道了(Okay, Nana, I get it)。
艾娜说:好,你记得保持心情愉悦就行,不是什么大病(Okay, just remember to keep your spirits up. It's nothing serious)。
唐奕萱:好,那我现在走了,过两天来找你啊(Okay, I'll go now, and I'll see you in a couple of days)。
艾娜说:好,拜拜,这个报告你拿着(Okay, bye. Take this report)。
唐奕萱:好,拜拜(Okay, bye)。