我将往事煮成茶 从此清苦不为它
You will be seeing miracles as long as you take a deep breath. Being happy,it is not because of how much you own but for the big part that you don‘t care for.只要用力呼吸,就能看到奇迹,一个人的快乐不是因为他拥有的多,而是因为他计较的少
伤害了别人 就不要再想着道歉过后能和好如初了 有些感情 没了就是没了
I did not temper,but not easily loses his temper. I'm not love you,just put in the heart just。-----我不是没脾气,只是不轻易发脾气。我不是不爱你,只是放在心里而已!
Being able to wait is a sign of true love and can say she loves you but not everyone can wait for you.-----真正的爱情需要等待,谁都可以说爱你,但不是每个人都能等你.
Speak up, be heard. If you don’t say a word, everything will stay the same way. 发出你的声音,让人听到。如果你什么都不说,一切就会一直老样子
Though I love you so much, yet you would rather die than love me, wouldn't you?我那么喜欢你,你喜欢我一下会死啊?
人生短暂 要么开始快乐 要么一直快乐
Everyone has a story left untold, so never start judging someone. ——每个人都有不为人知的故事,不要轻易对别人品头论足
再怎么感同身受 也只有一瞬间 再苦再累再痛再难熬 只有也只能自己撑过
Don't over-complicate things. If you hold them too tightly, they would shatter and your hands would hurt. 凡事不要想的太复杂,手握的太紧,东西会碎,手会疼