"I said my mouth hurt so much because the hook was thrown in my mouth."
"I used to bite my tongue when I was kissing, and my sister kicked me on the sugar orange tree, and he showed off the whole tree."
“姐妹们, 我刚刚私信了,他人很好,说话也好听,也很为我着想,也肯为我花钱,他非得给我买个镜子,让我自己照照镜子,看看自己是什么品种的癫蛤蟆。”
"Sisters, I just sent a private message. He is very nice, speaks well, thinks about me, and is willing to spend money for me. He has to buy me a mirror and let me look in the mirror to see what kind of toad I am."
"The sisters are fishing because they want to do something. This is not advisable. Don't fall into the trap. Don't fall into the sea of love. Let me help you try."
“我承认你有几分姿色,如果我20岁, 我会毫不犹豫追你,如果我三十岁,,我会放弃家庭跟你在一起,但是真的很对不我现在才六年级,学业压得我喘不过气,你能辅导我作业吗?”
"I admit that you are somewhat attractive. If I were 20 years old, I would not hesitate to pursue you. If I were 30 years old, I would give up my family to be with you. But it's really wrong. I'm only in the sixth grade now. I can't breathe under the pressure of my studies. Can you help me with my homework?"
"My mother said that if I dare to peep at your work again, I will break my legs. Fortunately, it's not my arms, so I can continue to comment on you. Even if my arms are broken, I will have a place for you in my heart."
“不要钓我谢谢, 我很腼腆我很单纯,你叫我宝宝的时候我以为你要和我三年生俩。”
"Don't catch me. Thank you. I'm very shy. I'm very simple. When you called me baby, I thought you were going to have two children with me in three years."
“宝我算了一下汤臣一品一平46w 最小户型460平 按照一个月3k的工资为了你,我得从战国时期开始干。”
"Treasure I calculated Tomson one article one flat 46 w, the smallest apartment 460 square meters, according to the salary of 3 K a month, for you, I have to start from the Warring States period."
"I'm browsing the circle of friends, and if you want to get my attention, you can start posting."
"Dear sisters, I am the object of Po Lord, no photo, no cohabitation, and no meeting, but I have a mouth and I say yes."