龙套(金艺琳)당신 의 표정 은 당신 이그 를 얼마나사랑 하 는 지 를팔아먹었다.(你的表情出卖了你有多爱他哦)
苏雅轩:죄송해.제 가컨트롤 이 안돼요(不好意思啊,我控制不住。)
龙套어~그 얘 기 했 어?(咦~那那件事你有跟他提过吗?)
苏雅轩:좀 더 기 다려라,적당한때 를 기 다라.(再等等吧,等一个合适的时候)
苏雅轩:그리고지금,나는그 와함께있 는매분 을 소중 히 여기 고 싶다.(而且现在,我想珍惜和他在一起的每一分钟)
龙套You are still the Yaxuan I know. Good luck, goddess(你还是我认识的那个雅轩,那就祝你好运,女神)
苏雅轩:Yilin, I hope you can help me with one thing. I hope you can push back on the good things I said with the company before I returned home(艺琳,有件事希望你可以帮帮我,关于我回国之前与公司说好的事情,我希望可以往后推一推)
龙套(金艺琳)Honey, are you serious? Yes, you've developed well in China, but you agreed with the company that you would come next year. Moreover, in Korea, you used to be the pinnacle of female idols. Have you really thought about it亲爱的,你认真的?没错,你回了中国发展也很好,但是你当初和公司说好明年你就要会来的,而且在韩国,你曾经是女idol里顶峰一样的存在,你真的考虑清楚了吗
苏雅轩:For me now, I have a reason why I have to stay. Yilin, in our friendship, help me again(对于现在的我来说,我有我不得不留下的理由,艺琳,看在我们曾经的交情上,再帮我这一次)
龙套(金艺琳)Now that you have made up your mind, I can help you this time, but don't forget that you will come back sooner or later. The company won't allow you to stay in China all the time. You should make up your mind earlier and find a suitable opportunity to talk to your boyfriend(既然你已经决定了,这一次我可以帮你,但是你别忘了,你迟早都要回来,公司不会允许你一直留在国内的,你早点定下来找个合适的机会跟你男朋友说一下吧)