沐雪So, uncle, do you have someone you want to choose?所以说说你有选择的人了吗?
万能人物:爱波尔:Of course, I have decided which ones I want to choose.当然,我已经想好我要选哪几个了。
万能人物:The first thing I want to choose is Ding Chengxin. He looks like a fox. He gives me a very comfortable feeling. He is very suitable to play the eldest brother of the Five Spirits. He is gentle and doesn't like killing, but he is not afraid of anyone.我第一个想选择的是丁程鑫,他的外貌很像狐狸,他给我的感觉很舒服,他很适合演五灵守护的大哥,温文尔雅,不喜杀戮,但却不惧怕任何人。
万能人物:The second person I want to choose is Ma Jiaqi, with his own ferocity, which makes people afraid to look at him. He is the guardian of the Five Spirits and the best knife in the hands of the God King.我第二个想选择的人是马嘉祺,自带凶气,让人不敢与之对视,武力超燃的五灵守护,神王手里最好的刀。
万能人物:The third is AoZiyi, who has a bohemian sense of freedom. He is free and unrestrained, heartless, but affectionate. What I want is that he is not serious, just right, and won't be annoying. The Five Spirit Guardian will have his place.第三个则是敖子逸,他身上有一股放荡不羁的自由感,活的潇洒自在,没心没肺,但却重情重义,我要的就是他身上的不正经,恰到好处,不会让人讨厌,五灵守护必有他一席之地。
沐雪Uncle, you are a well-known director. You can see their potential at a glance.叔叔,你不愧是知名导演,一眼就能看出他们身上的潜能。
沐雪Since they are the guardians of the five spirits, who are the remaining two?既然是五灵守护,那剩下的两个人是谁呢?