在喧嚣的机场上 ,在弄潮里寻找登记处
随后一只手搭在了你的肩头 ,扶着你 ,以至于不让你倒下
曇笙Sailor(是你 …) It's you
神秘角色:(怎么,见到我不开心吗? ) What's wrong? Aren't you happy to see me?
还特意将脸凑近你的耳朵 ,你厌恶的用手隔开了你们两个之间的距离
结果却是像拳头打在棉花上 ,一点力气也没有
之后,他像是又说了什么 ,但你现在什么也听不进去 ,隐约间他把你抱起,还没有挣扎几下 , 就彻底的晕了过去
崔胜澈S.coups:(你什么时候到啊 ?) 너는 언제 도착하니?
在崔胜澈打三四个电话之后 ,手机终于接通
曇笙Sailor:(我已经快登上飞机了 ,预计还有十几个小时吧 ) 나는 이미 비행기에 거의 올랐으니 아직 십여 시간이 남았을 것이다
崔胜澈S.coups:(那你到了的时候给我打电话 …) 그럼 도착하면 전화해
曇笙Sailor:(好 ) 좋아요.
当你再一次醒来 ,是在一个陌生的房间
房间里的陈设 算不上奢侈 ,但也很华丽
走到门前想打开门 ,想到了打不开 ,你走到窗前 拉开窗帘的时候 ,身后的门传来响动
神秘角色:(醒了?) Wake up
你见他从容的坐在你对面的沙发上 ,眼神示意你坐在对面
你只是走过去旁边扶着 ,与这个陌生的 “羽生结弦”拉开一些距离
神秘角色:(不用这么紧张 ~) Don't be so nervous
曇笙Sailor(你是谁 ?) Who are you?
神秘角色:(上来就打听别人名字 不礼貌吧 ?) It's impolite to just inquire about someone else's name when you come up, isn't it?
曇笙Sailor(你不说 ,我就来猜) I'll guess if you don't tell me
他也不恼,用眼神一直盯着你的眼睛 ,仿佛是要融化你
曇笙Sailor(那个老东西身边的人,亚洲面孔应该是你吧 ) That old thing, the people around him. Should the Asian face be you?
神秘角色:(没错 ) That's right
神秘角色:(继续 ) continue
曇笙Sailor(你说我们见过 ,但我又没有印象 ,说我把初吻给了你 ) You said we've met, but I don't remember. You said I gave you my first kiss
曇笙Sailor(又结合着你从种种行为上都厌恶…结弦) And combined with your aversion to moderate behavior Yuzuru
瞳孔有一些晃动 ,就说明你猜对了
神秘角色:(没想到你还能记起这个名字 ) I didn't expect you to remember that name again
曇笙Sailor(其实我并没有记起,只是无意中发现这个名字 ) Actually, I didn't remember it, I just stumbled upon this name
羽生白衍:(呵,没想到被你炸出来 ) I didn't expect to be blown out by you
曇笙Sailor(你弄晕 我不会就是想听我猜你吧 ) You made me dizzy. You just want me to guess your name, right?
羽生白衍:(当然不是 ,那样太无趣了) Of course not, it's too boring
羽生白衍:(我想你应该更倾向于去见你哥 ?) I think you're more inclined to meet your brother
曇笙Sailor(我警告你 …) I'm warning you
羽生白衍:(不用警告我 ,我不会对他做什么 ) Don't warn me, I won't do anything to him
羽生白衍:(为了你 ,我可是做了很大的牺牲呢 ) I made a great sacrifice for you
曇笙Sailor(比如 …) such as
羽生白衍:(我让另一个你 ,替你去完成 你没有完成的事 ) I asked another you to complete the things you didn't complete for you
曇笙Sailor(另一个我 ?) Another me
羽生白衍:(那个人啊 是我很早之前就完成的最完美的作品 ) That person is the most perfect work I have completed a long time ago
羽生白衍:(她的模样,和你的完全相同,不过你不用担心 ,我并没有把自己的脸做的和他一样) His appearance is exactly the same as yours, but you don't have to worry, I didn't make my face look like him
曇笙Sailor(所以你们是 ……同胞兄弟 ?) So you are fellow brothers
羽生白衍:(可以这么说 ,但我却被他们狠心的遗弃了) You can say that, but I was cruelly abandoned by them
(请自行甄别 )
曇笙Sailor[看来得好好调查一下 ]
羽生白衍:(不过是你们的模样 ,连声线都很相像) Not only your appearance, but also your voice lines are very similar
曇笙Sailor(既然如此 ,那你为什么还要找上我,她可以满足你的一切需要 ) Since that's the case, why did you come to me? He can meet all your needs
羽生白衍:(那怎么能一样 ……) How can it be the same?
说着 ,他从沙发上起来朝你这边走
羽生白衍:(不管怎么样 ,她总是迎合我 ,而你把我拒之千里外 ) Anyway, he always caters to me, and you keep me a thousand miles away
羽生白衍:(我不需要那么无趣的玩偶,我想要…你! ) I don't need such boring dolls, I want you
抓起你的手将两只举过头顶,按在玻璃上 ,那一只手缠住你的腰肢
他也并没有做出过分的事 ,只是把头埋入你的颈间 ,明显在吸允你的气味
羽生白衍:(你在国内的一些事,她都会帮你处理,就考虑安分交出族戒吧 ) He will help you handle some of your affairs in China, so you should consider a peaceful family style of paying rent
曇笙Sailor(想要 ,那就得看你拿不拿的到 ) You want that depends on whether you can get it or not?
曇笙Sailor(还有 ,你配拿到吗 ?) And you deserve it
曇笙Sailor(也不知道老头怎么想的 ,为了钱 竟然会让外族人接管集团 ) I don't know what the old man thinks, but for the sake of money, he would let outsiders take over the group
羽生白衍:(照你这么说 ,你会觉得老头 会让一个外族有实力的男人接管 ,还是会让一个本族不知轻重的女人来接管呢 ? ) Do you think the old man will let a powerful man from another tribe take over, or will he let a woman from his own tribe take over?
曇笙Sailor(这种规矩确实要改改了) This kind of rule really needs to be changed
曇笙Sailor(走吧 …) Let's go
羽生白衍:(去哪啊 ?) Where are you going?
曇笙Sailor(不是要去集团吗 ?) Aren't you going to the group?
曇笙Sailor(我记得今天晚上还有一场宴会 ) I remember there was another banquet tonight
羽生白衍:(什么都知道啊) How come you know everything?
羽生白衍:(本来想让你求我呢) I originally wanted you to beg me
曇笙Sailor(那可真是太遗憾了呢) That's really a pity
阴阳怪气 谁不会
曇笙Sailor(快走 ) Let's go
羽生白衍:(你等等我呀 ) Wait for me