伴随着场馆里最后的音乐《小马X莉 》
《The magic Inside 》(内心的魔法 )
I'm here to show you who I am
(登上舞台 心扉终敞开 )
Threw off the veil,It's finally time
(摘下面纱 此刻已到来 )
There's more to me than glitz and glam
(浮华绚烂 非我所爱 )
And now I feel my stars align
(命运之星 重焕光彩 )
For l had believed what I was sold
(我曾经相信无稽之谈 )
I did all the things that I was told
(我惟命是从 心无主见 )
But all that has changed And now I'm bold
Cause I know that I am just a pony
(只因为我其实如此平凡 )
I make mistakes from time to time
(长路漫漫 过错不断 )
But now I know the real me
(但我已看破虚幻 )
And put my heart out on the line
(追寻真我不畏艰难 )
Just like the magic inside of you
And now I see those colors right before my eyes
(我看到绚烂色彩在眼前流转 )
I hear my voice So clearly and I know that it is right
(我听见清澈歌声 那是真心在呐喊 )
They thought I was weak But I am strong
(我曾被小看 但我自强 )
He sold me the word But they were wrong
(那花言巧语多么荒唐 )