枫叶刚长出来的时候 ,色彩与别的叶子并没有什么两样 也是绿的
从春天开始生长 直到深秋 枫叶才变得像火一样红
很多树叶即将使了秋天 也不会红起来
让枫叶红起来的是枫叶自己 ,秋天只是给了他红起来的机会
马上快入秋了,深夜街头的美国还是有一点冷的 ,于是就 紧了紧 身上的外套
走进24小时便利店 ,买了点喝的 ,出来的时候打了辆车,往那个陌生的家驶去
当车子停下的时候 ,映入眼帘的是在黑夜下的庄园
推开门就看见了 忙前忙后的仆从 还有管家
管家:(大小姐 ?您怎么回来了 ?) Miss, how did you come back?
毕竟你和管家已经一年多没见了,上次见面还是一起 吃饭的时候
他一直知道你和你父亲的关系 ,自从上次带羽生见你父亲的时候就闹得不怎么愉快了
曇笙Sailor(父亲不在的这段时间 辛苦您了) During my father's absence, it's been a lot of trouble for you
你并没有回答他的问题 ,而是转移了话题
管家:(这都是我应该做的 ) This is all I should do
曇笙Sailor(过了这段时间 ,就让侍从们全都离开吧 ) After this period of time, let all the attendants leave
管家:(小姐 ,这是何意 ?) What does this mean?
曇笙Sailor(父亲去世了 ,我之后可能也不常回来 ,这房子就让他空着吧 ) After his father passed away, he may not come back often, so the house was left empty for him
曇笙Sailor(您也赶快离开吧 ) You should leave quickly, too
曇笙Sailor(您也跟了我们40多年了,也知道我的意思 ) You've been with us for over 40 years and you know what I mean
管家:(当然 …) of course
管家是个明理人 ,也知道你为何会突然下达这个指令
管家从后花园离开后 ,你猜他应该两天之后就会处理好全部的佣人
你去了趟你父亲的书房 ,寻找族戒
曇笙Sailor那会在哪 ?
全都是关于公司的经济走向,以及多家货币市场 资本市场理论与实务
这些资料有些是要被销毁,还有一些需要保留 ,这都要你亲自筛选
曇笙Sailor(林叔) Uncle Lin
神秘角色:林叔“回来了?Coming back”
神秘角色:(不走了 ?) I'm not leaving anymore
曇笙Sailor(一般不会走了 ……也走不了了 ) I usually don't know how to leave, and I can't leave anymore
又踌躇了一下 改口
神秘角色:“你来 我有话跟你说 (You come, I have something to say to you)”
神秘角色:(一回来就忙,不着急) Be busy as soon as you come back, don't worry
林叔从口袋里摸出一个盒子 递给你
神秘角色:(打开 ) open
曇笙Sailor(这个……这个是! ) This one is
神秘角色:(家族戒指 ,他们一直在寻找东西 ) Family ring, what they have been looking for
神秘角色:(自从你父亲入狱后 ,就料到这个结果 ,把戒指交给我保管 ) Since your father was imprisoned, this is the result. Leave the ring with me for safekeeping
神秘角色:(说之后找合适的时间,把它转交给你 ) Tell me the time to find the truth and hand it over to you
曇笙Sailor(为什么给我 ?) Why give it to me?
神秘角色:(在这个家族里 ,你父亲算是个老顽固 ,但有自己的行事风格 ,那个老头挺看重他,比其他的子女看的更重视 ,能给集团带来利益 ) In this family, your father is considered an old and stubborn person with his own style of behavior, which brings benefits to the group
神秘角色:(但又对执意接管你母亲的公司这个举措 ,是有些不满 ) But insisting on taking over your mother's company is somewhat unsatisfactory
神秘角色:(所以对你的印象比其他人更要…(差)而且那个老头不知道你的能力,肯定会处处针对 ,我想他应该打电话给你了 ) But that old man doesn't know your abilities. I think he should call you now
神秘角色:(他这么着急要回这个族戒,应该是找到了有能力的人 ,想要把集团的运营交到他的手里 ) He is so anxious to return to this street that he must have found someone with the ability to hand over the operation of the group to him
曇笙Sailor(说白了 ……) put in plain language
曇笙Sailor(这件事跟我有什么关系 ?他经营他的集团 我经营我的公司 ,互不干涉) What does this matter have to do with me? He runs his group and I run my company without interfering with each other
神秘角色:(你们家族这个集团是面向未来的 ,而那个老头恰巧是回望过去 ,你们家族里的其他人在这几年成就也都不高 ) The family group is oriented towards the future, and my old man happens to be looking back at your family in the past. The achievements of others in recent years have not been high
神秘角色:(可想而知 ,况且这个家族里的陋习格外多 ,传统也有不少 ,最近几年的金融市场不怎么太平 ,外来的多家公司都觊觎上位 ) It can be imagined that there are many bad habits and traditions in this family. In recent years, the financial market has not been very peaceful, and many foreign companies are eager to step up
神秘角色:(上次的金融大会 ,有几家集团联合表示决定加快科技投资脚步 ,打破太平盛世 ,让美独霸天下) At the last financial conference, several groups jointly expressed their decision to accelerate the pace of technology and break the peaceful times, allowing the United States to dominate the world
(纯属虚构 ,请自行甄别 )
神秘角色:(民主党和共和党之间越吵越烈 ,党派分歧越来越大 ,政府又不怎么作为 ) The argument between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party is getting stronger, the party differences are getting bigger, and the government is not doing much
神秘角色:(你们家族大部分又都是守旧派,只在乎利益 ,如果让他们控制局面,后果不堪设想 ) Most of the family members are conservative and only care about interests, resulting in unimaginable consequences
神秘角色:(要避免这样的事情发生,你们家族非常得到政府的看重 ,肯定会在会议上听听你们的意见 ,控制 好政治经济局面,不要酿成大错 ) To avoid such incidents, your family is highly valued by the government and will definitely listen to your opinions at the meeting. Don't create an empty nest political and economic situation
神秘角色:(对了 ,最近老头身边多了一个人 ,亚洲面孔 ,他的心眼子颇多 ,很有头脑 ,但他头脑用错的地方 ,也是一个有野心的人 ) Recently, there has been an additional person around the old man, with an Asian face. He has a lot of heart and mind, but I was wrong
曇笙Sailor(我知道了 ) I see
神秘角色:(最近要抓住机会展现你的才华 ,先控制好家族的局面 ……) Recently, I want to seize the opportunity to showcase your talents and form a family situation first
曇笙Sailor(您就不用操心了,我可以的 ) You don't have to worry, you can't
神秘角色:(果然长大了 ) As expected, I have grown up
神秘角色:(族规里有一条 只要有这个戒指一天,他们就不敢对你怎么样 ) There is a family rule that as long as they have this ring, they won't dare to do anything to you in one day