
【英文集】《最后一舞(Last dance)》

《最后一舞(Last dance)》别名:《春芍宴舞(The banquet dance of peony in spring)》


In this silent night, the moon is whirling and the stars are shining, which seems to be embellishing the sky. The stars are bright and shining in the blue sky. The distribution is somewhat sparse, and the dazzling light is like that from a lamp. But this shining "little light" is just to set off and praise this bright and flawless white moon like a jade plate. The white moon jade plate hung high above the night, and the white moonlight scattered into the ancient and transparent European glass window and fell on the worn quartz floor.

"Deng Deng Deng" a burst of heavy footsteps came……

It turned out to be an enchanting, charming and charming girl with rose fragrance. Other people's eyes gradually become dull and surprised, and their eyes gradually become blurred, even a little pounding - this is the protagonist of tonight, Mary Antoinette!

The girl stepped on the stage and began her dance. At this time, the radiance of the stars and the moon seemed to be more bright and reflected directly on the charming posture of the girl.

She wore a pure black black gauze hat with a large bright and fat like peony on the top. The stamens were like gold pearls scattered on a moist white jade, and a large pinch of bright black feathers were embedded next to the peony. The beauty has a beautiful short black hair with light translation, but it is matched with a bloodless and pale face. She slightly frowned on her slender silkworm eyebrows and blinked. Her waves were shining and her eyes were moving. There were several bright and swarthy feathers similar to swarthy light along the outer ends of her slender and thick eyelashes to the lower eyelid.However, the swarthy feathers on the lower eyelid are smaller, and there are only three in each eye, and each seems to be inlaid with a small crystal clear and brilliant white pearl. The beauty smiled, which made her soft and fresh lips as lovely as cherries more lovable.

"The queen is so beautiful this night..." a little squirrel sitting under the stage couldn't help praising the beautiful and gorgeous queen tonight. But in the voice, the voice gradually became silent.

Before the voice fell, it gradually became quiet on and off the stage. Do not hear a word, see and hear Mei Shu in the stars and the moon under the net exhibition of beauty, lightly dancing. At this moment, Li Yanjun will dance all night, falling red and intoxicating. The night sky is also mixed with valerian purple, which adds a bit of mystery to the quiet star curtain. The white star with a little golden light seemed to like the silent night sky and the graceful dance, so he became an admirer. Now they are like many shining golden and white pearls on purple and blue silk.


Here comes the climax——

The Queen's jade neck is so thin and fresh, surrounded by a circle of dark lace, which is also painted with pure white patterns like flowers and brocade. The lace belt is also pasted with bright black feathers, and the ends of the feathers are surrounded together, as if forming several blooming ink flowers. The "ink flower" is buckled with five petals of pure gold as the stamen. The stamen of this small flower is a number of shining platinum pearls gathered together.

This pearl is very much like the "little light" in the sky……

The exciting dance of peony feast is coming——

Ji Di uses a white skin spring. Her muscles are most suitable like lanolin. Her lower body skin is no longer so white and pale. The dark feathers of Mingli Yingze tightly wrap her plump and ruddy chest muscles, and the red fruit like a dazzling and bright red agate runs from the edge of the chest to the waist - the "Road on the skin" of the red fruit seems to form two red, bright and crisscross scenic lines. My God? The beautiful woman's waist line is so perfect and flexible! The waist is like a willow, light and handsome, which seems to be a "work of art" given by God to the world!The waist line of the dress is also designed with a group of colorful, winding Xiangfei colored patterns, and the lower body is also folded with red Begonia around the waist line. There are also the skirt made of dark feathers covering Yang Fei's feathers, and the pair of dancing, microwave light steps of crimson dance shoes.

The beauty sipped her slim lips, and the scenes of the past appeared in her mind——

Lush and multi-layered jungle, vibrant grass, green trees, colorful flowers, cunning and ferocious beasts, smart and intelligent animals, gorgeous and colorful queen... Both kindness and hostility will soon exist in the world today.

That stupid human being constantly destroys here, leaving all souls homeless and homeless. Today, there is only this palace with a long history left……

They will harm others and themselves after all!

In that case! Let's destroy it together!

On stage——

Just dance!

The moonlight is fading and the evening is dusky. It is no longer as bright and soft as the opening ceremony. The scene of 10000 strands of light shining on the night curtain has long disappeared. The natural and unrestrained stars also gradually began to fade, from the beginning of the golden can to pure white, and finally only a few small white spots that are difficult to detect between the chaotic night and the dark clouds radiate a faint light. All this is not as good as it was at the beginning. It was finally washed away by a dance!

Wang Ji also gradually disappeared in the muddy moonlight, and the audience under the stage also gradually disappeared. I saw Zhongfeng……

This night, it seems so quiet, everything has no vitality, all this seems so dead……


"It's just spring. Where are the maple leaves?"

It says……

(End of this chapter)



































(English)The banquet dance of peony in spring

Jade moon glow sky lamp star decorations,

Into the golden pool of the old window.

Beauty screen show,

Dark provokes the eyes of all things.

Will leave the flowers and the beautiful woman to dance all night,

Falling red petals are intoxicated.

Only pity King Ji on the spring night,

Ⅰt's hard for peony to spend all its flowers and lose maple.



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