

Lin Yi, this guy, follows me every morning.

Whenever I pick up my schoolbag and run to school with breakfast in my hand, he is behind me to remind me to have breakfast every morning.

When I got to school, I hurried into the classroom, and Lin Yi followed me into the classroom. I heard what the students were saying, but I couldn't hear you clearly.

Unexpectedly, my best friend asked me about my relationship with Lin Yi. I'm sure it was not so good, but it was an ordinary classmate relationship. I didn't expect her to ask me if I liked Lin Yi.

What the heck?!

Lin came over and said, "you don't like me?"

"by the way, I made you think about it yesterday. Have you thought it through?"

Lin Yi's face was getting closer and closer. I pushed him away and whispered, "I like you."

Lin Yi's ears are so good that he comes directly to my ear and says, "I like you, too."

I was a little shy. I picked up my English homework and went to the seat of the English team leader and handed it in.

Unexpectedly, the English team leader also asked me about my relationship with Lin Yi. I just said that Lin Yi and I were just ordinary classmates.

Then when I returned to my seat, Lin Yi told me that the whole class was passing on the relationship between the two of us and put us into a CP!

I'm straight out of it, cp?. What cp?? Lin Yi and I can't be called cp. We're just friends, really.

What kind of girlfriends are these? they are spreading rumors there.

In class, it's Chinese class again. Anyway, the teacher wants to talk nonsense again, and I want to go to sleep again. However, my heart is still thinking about the cp of Lin Yi and me. really! We had nothing to do with it!

In Chinese class, I didn't expect the teacher to comment on the homework! I was deserting, of course, was also found by our Chinese teacher, very normal, I was invited out of the classroom, although I am a good student, but no exception, still deal with the door

Class is over, Lin Yi unexpectedly came to criticize me! What does a good student mean by deserting in class? "shouldn't a good student listen attentively in class?"

But the last sentence sounds all right, "Don't wander off in the next class". This sentence makes me think Lin Yi is quite warm.

The second class is physical education, or free activities! I was sitting under the basketball rack when my best friend came over and asked me why I didn't cheer for my boyfriend. I said, he plays so badly that I can't win with or without refueling. Unexpectedly, he heard it and threw the ball directly at me. The ball hit me on the head. I shouted and threw the ball back.

"I thought you said I played basketball! How accurate it is! "

"Lin Yi! You piss me off! " I yelled at Lin Yi, who just smiled coldly and went to play basketball again.

My best friend and I said: "Lin Yi is such a person, steel straight man!" I can't even coax a girl. Huh! " My best friend smiled unexpectedly and said, "Lin Yi is not a straight man of steel, he is just like this to you, but not to his classmates." Hee hee, it means that Lin Yi really likes you! "

Like me? No way! So straight, but also so arrogant, how can it be like my performance!

When the class was over, Lin came over, touched my head and said, "dare you say I play basketball next time?" I said directly to him, "Don't you dare!" Of course I dare! " As soon as Lin pointed at me, he couldn't say a word. Finally, he just said, "wait!"

I smiled and walked into the classroom. It wasn't long before class began again, not good! It's chemistry! The Devil is coming again! I thought to myself and told myself no more desertions. Whenever I think of the cp that my classmates gave us, I would be shy, and then I deserted unwittingly. Fortunately, I was not found by the devil, or I would have dealt with it at the door.

Finally, the time came at noon, and I was absent-minded when I ate. As the saying goes, the IQ of girls in love is very low, I am like this, my best friend seems to see, she asked me: "do you like Lin Yi?" Don't lie to me. You must like him. Otherwise, you have such a low IQ. Huh? " "No! I don't like him, okay? " But with that, I blushed myself.

"you are just too stubborn, just admit it, it's all right, we can still eat a wave of dog food."

"you are such a best friend!" I patted her on the shoulder with my hand. At this time, Lin walked past and waved to me. My best friend looked at it and envied it to death.

"what? You like him? " I shook my best friend who was fascinated by Lin Yi, and she hurriedly shook her head and said, "Ah?" No, Lin Yi is yours. "

I watched Lin Yi hug his brother out of the canteen, the sun shining on him, I was moved, his side face is really handsome! It's the kind of handsome that you can't say, but you don't get tired of it.

After lunch, I returned to my seat. As soon as Lin came over and touched my head, the students began to booing, and I hurriedly waved my hand.Looking at the way the students were talking, I was a little shy. Looking at Lin Yi, I bowed my head.

"Now, well, Mrs. Lin, don't be shy. Now, you're mine."


please take a look at chapte 4:Mrs Lin?



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