
Volume 1, Chapter 7

Faced with the construction project of the water park, under the intelligent and accurate dispatch of the Luoying, all the required building materials will be fully prepared in a short period of one month, and has officially entered the construction stage. For the construction layout of the park, the drop shadow is subtly divided into two main areas: One is a vast sea of facilities, the other is a stretch of thousands of miles of beach area. The first person who steadily placed the first solid plank on the vast fertile field was Yu Kun, who acted boldly. Cai Kai followed closely behind him, carefully laying down the first handful of delicate sand. "This facility should be located here, and that one is best placed there."

Shadow guided decisively, moving towards the second grand civil engineering project, the expansion of the Grenadine Village. This huge project was undertaken by the Migo Group. Although the size of the island is already considerable, it is expected that more new people will continue to pour in in in the future. Therefore, the goal of sustained expansion and strength can only be achieved by ensuring a continuous supply of land resources. At the same time, Miguo also suggested to Luoying: "The village chief, after the expansion, hopes to build a hotel, so that new villagers can join in." Falling shadow sighs. "Why didn't I think of that? How many emeralds?" As there is a steady stream of economic income, the village's emerald coins are gradually abundant. Although the water park will spend a little money, the water park will have to rely on its own efforts and rich natural resources. The money will be reduced and reduced again under the pressure of falling shadow.

The hotel, on the other hand, is quite different. Its natural resources are rather primitive and rough. If the hotel is allowed to live in such a humble hotel, people who are not aware of the situation will still be able to recognize it as a hotel, and those who are not aware of it will probably mistake it for a pig pen. This is unacceptable, because it will not effectively attract and increase the number of villagers, but may damage the reputation and image of the village. In order to maintain and enhance the reputation of the village, he is determined to invest heavily in reform. Now there are some unique and extraordinary blocks on the market, why call them exotic? The reason is that these blocks are not inherent parts of the game, they are part of the game's extended mods, which can be said to be innovative additions to the game world.

According to statistics, before the building of the hotel, the village balance was about 5100 emeralds, after the building of the hotel, the village balance became 300 emeralds, and that 300 was just earned today. That is, a hotel cost about 5000 emeralds to return the village economy straight to pre-liberation. You tell me if this is a cost. In the village balance at the premise of not listening to the opposition of the people, the shadow of the desperate. But the opposition is also very troublesome, except Yu Kun, Cai Kai, Miguo, everyone else is opposed. To this economy is like a large machine, although a broken point, but also can be patched up, but you go up for a while to repair, or the machine is repaired, repair the economic improvement. But if it's broken, it's a big problem. If you come up and mend a few parts, the machine breaks, you're probably finished. Meet a good-tempered person scolds you a few words, if you encounter a bad-tempered person directly with the explosive bag with you to perish.

Do you think it's a big decision.

(End of this chapter)



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