


A car and a bicycle passing each other

This morning, Qiyuan bought steamed buns from a small breakfast shop. Although the shop wasn't big, it had a large pot for steaming buns. Qiyuan was struck by the smell of the dough as soon as she walked in. There were no shops selling pancakes in the neighborhood where Qiyuan's rental was located, or perhaps Qiyuan just couldn't match her schedule with the pancake shops, or the real pancake shops were too far from her workplace. She couldn't understand why there were so many similar-looking steamed bun shops; they all seemed to be small rooms filled with the aroma of dough and large pots. Qiyuan was still immersed in her taste experience when a green license plate car passed by. This kind of car was often seen in the city, and it seemed that they didn't have to follow traffic rules, and all the cars on the road had to give way to them. The traffic here was in some places fenced and in some places not, and there was no designated lane for disabled people, but there were many animals walking around without a leash. Qiyuan felt that the teams who claimed to have made great achievements had never explained to her about the rules of the road traffic. Why were there no qualified green license plate cars to comply with the road traffic rules, but instead some unbridled animals directing traffic? Once, while walking along the road, Qiyuan encountered someone who just got off the bus and was swearing.The key point is that Qiyuan must follow the path of Tao. There is no dedicated path here, so Qiyuan can only follow the path of Tao. A person who is not bound by a rope got off the bus and greeted Qiyuan with a boastful statement, claiming that their team, which takes pride in their achievements, purposely played music and displayed a banner reading "war" in a regular pattern in the morning and evening. Qiyuan wondered if the person who curses and either learns to drive a green or white plate car and chants slogans or follows the rule of letting pedestrians have the right of way when encountering vehicles with a green or white plate. The key point here is that only when the green or white plate car takes the road will other vehicles give way to the car. Qiyuan looked at the dirty words on the road and felt that the intern, who claimed to be about letting people and vehicles have the right of way, was not a patriotic and conscientious person. Both reports and milk that Qiyuan bought felt like a huge trap. Who knows if other cities also have this trap? The violation of rules in the entry exam seemed to be intended to demonstrate to the elderly a way of displaying heaven, earth, and human beings. Therefore, the way these elderly people displayed this was for people of all ethnicities from all over the world to rush over and verify the evidence provided by the team. They would check if Qiyuan was holding the shape of a vulgar individual, and was born with an elderly person, signed with a person, and driven under a green and white plate in this ditch. Maybe the president of the world would come personally to speak to Qiyuan and confirm the old person's slogan of war. Qiyuan's thoughts returned to the old person's slogan of war. The battle was prepared for a whole day, and the war was the competition between the vulgar language team's video production and the popular digital beings. However, they are all in the exploration stage, who can know what the real digital beings look like? These elderly people have already displayed what might stick to Qiyuan by taste in the technological era of digital beings, and the president of the world has to come and confirm whether the taste is correct. The elderly people around the president keep repeating that the taste of those few elderly people is so correct that they can command the souls of everyone except the president of the world, which is the charm of perfume, and they are willing to take the poison. In Qiyuan's view, the elderly need to be honest about their vulgar language and shouldn't let the president of the world and Qiyuan guess. Qiyuan also joined the battle of dirty language, white plates, digital short people with new traffic rules.



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